application form
consent form
UKA codes of conduct
Privacy Notice
Northgate Sports Centre
Sidegate Lane West, Ipswich
Ipswich Harriers Athletics Club offers coaching and competition for track and field, cross country and road races for any interested athlete in School Year 6 or above. Unfortunately, we are unable to take children in School Year 5 or below. There is a waiting list to join our club so you are, of course, welcome to put your child on our waiting list when they are in Year 5 or below.
We also offer experienced or prospective coaches the opportunity to work with a friendly, enthusiastic and lively club.
Club nights are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5.30-8:30pm when we have the track and adjacent field booked for training, with some coached groups being from 5:30-7:00pm, some from 6.30-8.00 and one from 7.15-8.30pm. Priority will be given to athletes who can commit to training two nights per week. All the groups are led by qualified coaches with relevant DBS checks. Some groups also go out for road runs or hill training on club nights.
Younger athletes usually join the Explorers
group to have a go at everything before moving into a more specific area. Older athletes will join a relevant existing coached group but it's not unusual for an athlete to be involved with more than one group. We sometimes arrange for guest coaches to come up on a club night to teach a specific event.
We're a competitive athletics club and our conditions of membership of Ipswich Harriers are that you train regularly and are willing and available to compete for the club on a regular basis when asked to do so by your Coach/Team Manager. Club colours are dark blue vests with two light blue bands and blue/black shorts and must be worn when representing the club at any event.
Ipswich Harriers Athletics Club is affiliated to UKA, SEAA, EAA, SCAA and
is based at Northgate Sports Centre, England. IP4 3DJ
A one-month trial period, subject to availability, costs £30 and if you want to stay then the annual fees are:-
£180 full membership (Seniors & Juniors)
£90 for Vacation and Disabled membership
Subscriptions can be paid annually or by quarterly Standing Order if preferred. Full membership covers training and use of the track/field on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 5:30pm and 8:30pm. It also includes coach travel to track and field league meetings where appropriate. Associate membership is £10. Ipswich Harriers is committed to equal opportunities and is open to athletes of all abilities.
Please complete the application form and consent form and either forward them to:
Ipswich Harriers Athletics Club
c/o Colleen Fuller (Membership Secretary), 292 Sheldrake Drive, Ipswich, IP2 9JX (Tel: 01473 686760), or email them to the joining enquiries address.
Ipswich Harriers Athletics Club are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help coach athletes of all ages and in all aspects of athletics. We are particularly in need of trained coaches (UK Athletics Coach qualification) but will welcome anyone willing to learn. If interested, please contact via the Ipswich Harriers clubhouse on a Tuesday or Thursday evening between 7pm and 8pm or send an email to our coaching secretary. Email address can be found on the contacts page.
There is also an Ipswich Harriers Supporters Association which aims to raise additional club funds and is always looking for help/ideas if you would like to contribute. A committee member can be contacted via the Ipswich Harriers clubhouse on a Tuesday or Thursday evening between 7pm and 8pm.